Money And Appearances In Health-Care Reform This site was partially inspired by my trip to Africa, taken many years ago. I spent some time in a medium sized town, where I was virtually the only white person, and was besieged from all directions with requests for money and assistance of various forms. It was quite a moving experience. They were saying, in a very loud voice, "We need your help". My conscience was aroused.
Money Was Not the Cure: Even if I were rich, and handed out money by the basketful to those in need, I would be doing nothing to effect a long term solution to their problem. There was something in their social system - something in their pattern of thought - that stood as an obstacle to their progress.
Dysfunctional Government:
In speaking with the people, I learned of the corrupt schemes used by their government to extract money from the civilians. A wall of red tape, which could only be penetrated through the use of bribery, blocked free enterprise. This demoralized the entire population, whether or not they were involved in enterprise.
Unintentional Corruption Is More Destructive:
There exist both intentional and unintentional forms of corruption. Of the two, the unintentional form is far more destructive, because it is more deceptive and prevalent. Furthermore, it allows for the existence of intentional corruption. The entire experience led me to begin thinking in depth about social systems; a thought process which continues to this day.
Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Though a system can outwardly appear to be extraordinarily efficient, it may, in reality, be utterly flawed. I recall a story that a man once told me about his parents. They lived in a beautiful home, had prestigious occupations, and were active in civic affairs. Based upon superficial |
appearance alone, they seemed to be a model family. His parents, however, were controlling, deceptive, and critical of his actions to the point where he literally went crazy. These parents never recognized their own personality problems. Their emotional discomfort led them to exhaust excessive amounts of effort on creating an appearance.
Money And Health Care:
Our healthcare system - though on a much larger scale - operates in a similar way. When viewed superficially, the system seems impressive. Proponents of the system are constantly remarking, "If only we had more money, we could do so much better." Desiring better healthcare, we believe this story, and give more money. But regardless of how much we give, money is incapable of curing the system's ailments. It is analogous to the aforementioned African illustration.
Take A Deeper Look:
We must examine the system at a much deeper level. We must look beyond appearances and good intentions, beyond intellectuality and sincerity. Having been a student, doctor, and patient for a great many years, I can see right through the superficial guises of the system. Unless you can understand the insanity of the present system, my proposals will make very little sense to you.
The Bottom Line:
Trying to fix our healthcare system with more dollars is much like attempting to solve Africa's problems with money. I see many caring, charitable people giving money to healthcare related causes, and it grieves me deeply. Though these individuals have priorities similar to my own, our major difference is that I realize that the money could be much more wisely spent, if the system were changed. I implore you to stand back and take a deeper look at healthcare.
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